"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude." Denis Waitley
I arrived to Nanaimo after two days of traveling from St. Lucia via St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands. Just a quick five days in Nanaimo to finish the work on Kalisha and launch her back into the water after being on the hard for the winter. Kalisha is our 97 year old 34 foot wooden power boat built in 1913 by Wessel in Vancouver, BC, Canada. We have owned her for the last 5 years using her each summer as our floating cottage.

Kalisha has been on the hard since the beginning of October. Normally, we would never do this because it would dry the boat out to much. We hired Fred Amor and his son Duncan a wooden boat expert from Gabriola Island to replace some ribs and re-cork the bottom. We put Kalisha in dry dock so they could work on her over the winter. We also purchased and are installing a new motor. My travels took me away for five months and during the planning phase I arranged to be back in Nanaimo for the five days before launch so I could assist in the final preparation for the boat launch. The weather this winter in Nanaimo was not to much to write home about...snow, snow and more snow. It is amazing that our guys got the job done. We had to have Kalisha back in the water by March 15th as the boat yard required her space for their spring season. Our guys did an amazing job. Bravo!
I brought the sunshine because we had awesome weather to finish the final touches.
Well, sunshine almost every day.
On our last day before launching we had more snow. I guess I needed this just to remind me that I love going to Mexico and other warm places in the winter. Here is my husband Clayton working hard. Needless to say I only got out of the car to take the photo.

Kalisha went back into the water on time and is now waiting for us at the dock for our return in June. Once the weather gets more warm and dry we will repaint the outside and complete the installation of the new motor. I am very excited to see our girl under her own steam. What a beauty she is. I hope you agree!
I am off to my home in Las Playitas, Baja Mexico.
Hasta la pasta!
Kalisha is beautiful. You must be so proud. I hope the two of you have been having an absolute blast out on the water.
My husband and I have been backpacking to various countries over the past 6 months and I must say that Kalisha is more beautiful than any watercraft we met along our adventures.
Feel free to check out www.nomadbackpackers.com We are always looking for fun individuals to feature in guest posts. Your life seems like so much fun! We would love to encourage other backpackers and adventure enthusiasts to follow their passions in life and not look back. Just like you have been busy doing.
I am considering buying Kalisha with plans to resurrect her. Her current owner is unable to finish the work he began.
If you're near Maple Bay, perhaps we could meet up.
Hi Andrew
I owned Kalisha around 1990 for a few years did a bunch of work to her
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