Living in the Loveliness of Life - Visualize, Create and Experience!
"The future depends on what we do in the present" - Mahatma Gandhi
It has a busy time since I left Baja at the end of May and now it is October. The adventures have been plenty and so much so that there really is not much time nor internet connection in the wilderness. I am updating here a bit of everything so you can have a taste of the journey. All I can say it has been amazing, thank you to all of the goddess women that came on the women adventures and contributed to their succes.
This year I flew back from Baja to BC, Canada - first time in 6 years as I normally drive. I was up at Strathcona Park Lodge right away with a 5 day Wilderness First Aid program. It was soothing to be in the green zone again - the Rainforest of BC.
Kalisha my 1913 wooden yacht needed tender loving so she was taken out of the water for bottom work and some repair work. The bill was only $1500 this year compared to $30 K the last time. She is very beautifl for sure.
Shortly thereafter I was blessed to work with Maggie for 5 days over the Summer Soltice. We sailed through the night watching the full moon rise and were still sailing when the moon went down and the sun came up. Maggie is single handing her boat now - you go girl!
It was then time to get the 46 foot sailing vessel Voyager ready for the 800 nautical mile circumnavigation of Vancouver Island. The trip was broken into 3 legs over 25 days with 7 women on each trip. Weather was a mixture of rain, fog, grey, thunder, lightening and we did have sunshine too. The wind was not very abundent on the west coast portion of our trip. We did not see very many other boats around, often we were the only one in the anchorage. Yet we did see lots of grey whales, eagles, sea otters, bears and other animals alike.
We celebrated Canada Day at Port Harvey. We are proud to be Canadian. Despite the weather we had a great time. Including a fireworks deplay at Port Harvey. What a show!
Wildlife was abudant with eagles and dolphins in the are of Johnstone Strait and the Broughton Islands.
Port McNeil around the top of Cape Scott to Ucluelet was a great trip. We stayed in Bull Harbour on Hope Island for two days for a weather system to go by. It gave the crew a chance to rest, prepare the boat for the bigger seas and enjoy some beach time. We timed things perfectly for weather and currents for our journey around Cape Scott.
Entrance to Bull Harbour on Hope Island
Every day was a process for preparing the sail plan and always interesting when there are 7 to work with. It became systemized and managed our trip safely and found wonderful places.
And of course boat maintenance and preparing food! We did eat really well!!
Signs of First Nations along the coast are abundant of their territorries
We had anchorages to ourselves - Jacobson Point Brooks Pennisula
Forest walks, beach fires, hotsprings and missions

Hotsprings Cove - Vancouver Island
After picking up the new crew in Tofino we made our way to Barkley Sound and then a 26 hour straight run up Juan de Fuca Strait. Through the night and fog we safely got through Race Rocks at 0447 Hrs and onwards to Bedwell Harbour and Poets Cove. The ladies were happy to end up in the pool and hot tub with summer like weather to reward them of the 4 hour shifts throughout the night.
Enjoying out last night dinner out at the Genoa Bay Cafe - we partied pretty good that night!
Within the week I was setting up camp for the Yoga Teacher Training and Self Mastery for Women at the West Glade Farm at Qualicum Bay. We had fantastic weather and a great group of Yogini Goddesses.
An abundance of fresh organic vegetables
and the food was amazing too!
Days are filled with Yoga Asana practice
Another successful group of HERIZEN Yoga for Women teachers
Within a few days of taking the Yoga YTT camp down I was offering leading a multi-day kayaking adventure around the Gulf Islands. We started from Salt Spring Island and were blessed with great weather. This year we had 10 adventurous women.
Great camping places
Daily Yoga and Kayaking for Women
Now I have a few days to fly over and visit with my Aunt Ruby - she is very special to me!
On Sept 2nd, I left for the Nantucket the east coast of the USA to sail and deliver the MS Magic. That story and adventure is coming later this week.
Life is always an adventure, a journey a dream come true! Living in the Loveliness of Life!
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